
One day you’re 21 and have your entire life together and the next you’re 50 and going through a mid-life, or rather quarter-life, crisis. Or at least, that’s how it feels.

I’m just your average dazed and confused college senior who misses the comfort of her mom’s cooking and her dad’s snoring.

My goal is to help you navigate your way through college and beyond! Basically, I just hope that after every time you leave this website you feel a little bit better and happier than before. Whether it be a College Confessions post making you feel heard or a Happiness Talks episode making you laugh, that is why I am here.

New York born and raised, sister to a very fraternal twin and a silly, not-so-little weiner dog.

Cheese loather and avid watcher of all shows on HGTV, lover of the color yellow and all things Bradley Cooper.

Oh, and remember to Smile. It’s good for you.

Xx - Megan